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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2014 in all areas

  1. Depends if it's WebOS or Netcast. And the webOs hasn't got Flash Player. Lg WebOS hasn't got Flash because i have talked with LG and they say that ADOBE doesn't want to provide them Flash, then i asked why Netcast has flash, they sayed that in that moment ADOBE provided them and as you can see netcast has flash 10 and can't be updated, and the actual version is Flash 15, they sayed that if i talk personaly to adobe, they could help me, so if we all send a mail to adobe, may be they can provide flash on behalf of clients, so friends, one email can change the way of your TV, so please help me and also send emails to adobe. Hope it helped, 1 like also helps me
    1 point
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