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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello just wanted to let you know that there is alot of people that wishes to see the xbmc media player for WebOs. This will make LG smart tv sooooo much more attractive.
    1 point
  2. This is in Dutch, it mean that the LG 49UB850V become the new update for the webOs 2.0 in 2015 When the update come we dont no but it is coming. Geachte heer H,Zuidema, Bedankt voor uw email. Op dit model de 49UB850V zal er inderdaad een nieuwe update uitkomen van de webos besturingssysteem. Helaas hebben wij niet de exacte datum wanneer de webos 2.0 zal uitkomen. Zodra het beschikbaar is zal u een melding op uw tv ontvangen dat er een nieuwe update beschikbaar is. Met vriendelijke groet, van Daal I. Customer Service Representative LG Electronics Benelux
    1 point
  3. There are definitely complaints about the slowness. Tomorrow, LG is announcing webOS 2.0 at CES which is geared to be better and faster, addressing these complaints. However, I'm not sure if current webOS TVs will get the upgrade. It would be great if they did because LG sold over 5 million TVs with webOS to date.
    1 point
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