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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2015 in Posts

  1. Hi to all. I recently purchased a lg tv with web os. On the old TV was using an external media player (wd live tv). Now I wanted to directly connect the USB disk to the TV. Unfortunately, I can not do it, because, to my regret, the web os does not have a file manager So I can not copy, move, or do anything on the external drive, no do not connect it to the PC first. I ask is you are putting a file manager, so you can manage files between USB devices connected. In addition to, if possible, add an icon to each file (movie) already seen. What do you think
    1 point
  2. Hello everyone , 2 weeks ago I bought an LG 42LB630V, and I'm quite happy with it. I just have a couple issues on controlling video file playback: 1) it's not possible to fast forward or fast backward a video file playing from a DLNA server via LAN; I've seen other topics in which people say it depends on the format - here I wasn't able to find a single file working; from USB instead it works perfectly; 2) whether from USB or DLNA, I'm not able to jump to a desired point of a movie (similar to "go-to" function found in every VHS/DVD/BR player) About issue number 2, does anyone know if there is a way to call a "go-to" like function with the remote control? Thanks! Andrea (Italy)
    1 point
  3. Hi, please add DS Video for Synology NAS on LG Store. There are many LG smart TV users who wants to play the media content from the NAS and the experience without this application it's very unsatisfying.
    1 point
  4. DS Video for Synology NAS or XBMC (Better tan Plex).
    1 point
  5. Synology Apps!! - Video Station http://www.synology.com
    1 point
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