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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2015 in all areas

  1. Owners of LG 2014 webOS TV models will not be able to upgrade to webOS 2.0, which will be made available as part of the company's 2015 TV line up. This makes me feel cheated, sad, angry...
    1 point
  2. Hi Dan, Your approach also seems good. Only thing here is we need a solution that can do this. If my HDD too can be connected to TV and can be accessed as a network drive on all other devices the deal is done. I believe we are looking for either of one option from below 1. Have a file generic explorer on WebOS that can allow access to network drives (Most preferred) 2. Expose storages connected to WebOS so that other devices can access the files over network. Regards, Rukmaj
    1 point
  3. sorry. but i think this WebOS on the LG 2014 TV's (like my LB700V) is da Bomb. Netflix starts much faster then on my IPad or mobile. The apps are still a bit few, but more come every month. Could do with a PLEX support like in previous LG SmartOS.
    1 point
  4. After using the system for a couple of weeks, the tv desperately needs a Plex application. Using SmartShare to communicate with the plex server is a bad experience. Everything appears messy and tv series do not appear.
    1 point
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