In my post the details i have provided are for TV model 42LB625T, be careful choosing the right firmware!
As Jimbo1876 explain in his post the procedure how to upgrade firm from USB is very well explained on LG website.
1. Download the archive file.
2. Unzip
3. Create folder on the USB drive and name it "LG_DTV"
4. Copy the file/s to USB drive in the previously created folder "LG_DTV".
5. Turn off the TV from remote
6. Plug in any of the USB ports or in service USB if it's exist.
7. Turn the TV on.
8. When "USB connected" message will apire select from the dialog "stay".
9. Last "USB update" message will apire chose "install".
What for around 10-15 minutes and than restart the TV.
Please note that I don't take any responsibility if something goes wrong while updating the firmware.