OK, go to http://www.lg.com/uk/support-product/lg-47LB731V# and under SOFTWARE UPDATE tab download file "Software_File(Version_04.45.04).zip" on to your hard drive and unzip. Next step is to prepare usb stick formated in fat32, next create folder LG_DTV and put into this folder this file "starfish-dvb-secured-m14tv-32.arches-3246-04.45.04-prodkey_usb_V3_SECURED.epk"
Then stick it that usb flash drive into your tv usb port and wait a message about upgrade..Confirm with remote control, wait to file upload and after confirmation message just restart your tv (swich off/on with remote control) Usb drive don't unplug during update process...After tv is started then you can unplug usb flash drive...I recommend to do a "factory restore" and then set your tv as you wiish...