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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello, I recently got a 32LB650V from LG Hellas as replacement of my old 32LM620A where it had a serious damage that coldn't be repaired. Nice move from LG but.... The new WebOS for the moment is a crap compared to the old menu. In the old menu i had: LG Premium with lot's of goodies LG Smart World where it was full of apps of anykind and i could find anything i want. LG 3D World with nice short movies, cartoons and documentaries in 3D. Where are all these in WebOS???????? Now i have only youtube, facebook and 2-3 other useless stuff. OK the panel's quality is better, sound is better, the configuration menu is OK, but where are all the other things that made me buy my old 32LM620A????????
    1 point
  2. So far factory reset after any FW upgrade was a recommended thing to do.
    1 point
  3. Thank you Simon But everyone should take care as this is a BETA version not a final release of the software Good luck for you all regards
    1 point
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