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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2015 in all areas

  1. I have also installed beta version 5.10 on my LB6520. Working without any problem. Thanks Simon.
    1 point
  2. sorry , I understood that new fw only works in cyrillic. Thanks a lot. I'll try asap.
    1 point
  3. Today new beta firmware was released version 5.10.02 for LB630-LB870 and EC930 Link is from officialy LG site: http://su.lge.com:80/GlobalSWDownloadCdn.laf?IMG=/201508/starfish-dvb-secured-m14tv-25.ashley.m14tv-2502-05.10.02-prodkey_nsu_V3_SECURED.epk If you don't know what are you doing, please don't flash...It is only on your own risk!!! I'am flashed today on my 42LB700V-ZG and everything goes fine. Speed and memory improvement...A little bit different fonts style and size..
    1 point
  4. Finally. Someone talking sense. I actually don't know that many sites which still use Flash. And would not want a browser on my TV to use either. Too resource intensive and buggy.
    1 point
  5. LG is screwing a lot with the WebOS but... Forget about Flash. Flash is dying and it's not true that it's present on 90% of Internet Webpages anymore. Most present Flash nowadays it's in Ads form. And most video players (on the desktop) that still uses flash, have the HTML5 Video option and it's there that we should focus. If WebOS and his browser alone are slow and painfull to use, now imagine it they allow us to use Flash. The TV would simply crash, because Flash is very angry in CPU and RAM, that's why most mobile phones today doesn't even have Flash installed anymore.
    1 point
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