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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2015 in all areas

  1. Guys, please refrain from attacking each other in a topic on this site. You are welcome to PM each other and/or take it offline. Thank you.
    4 points
  2. I do not think that you can use a USB external, that resulting in television in 2014 to be insufficient is the ram ddr3 second level, ie tv 2014_2015: ram tier 525MB ram second level 2014 = 256Mb 2015 = 512Mb So this is the main reason why currently the 2014 tv show defects from us complained, the RAM at times, perhaps due to the kernel, which manages the best presents those "lag and out of memory that we find. In fact if you go to see the instruction manual of the model eg 42lb650 inside found the block diagram of the system, you compare it with the new 42lf652, you will see that the difference is that, lg was very clever on this point, has also changed the manager refresch video to be able to say that they are two different TV, but is essentially the exact same TV, with the corrections that cover 'design error than stated in the advertisements of the sale of TV 2014 vebos 1.0. The shameful thing is that in all 'today have not remedied this design gap, treating its customers badly that for a whole they year are undergoing this.
    1 point
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