from a manual page lists the block diagram , there are all the information you need.
right to information : in the 2015 version of the processor IC 101 is not more but m14 and m14 + ram ( b ) the second level , is 512mb
Ram is ddr3 "a" and " b "
versione lb 2014,
512x16 = 1024MB= 1GB
256X16 = 512MB
versione lb 2015
memory "A" 512x16 = 1GB,
memory "B" 512x16 = 1GB
this is versione 2014: if you look at the two images of a board is the 42lf652 , the ' other is of ' 42lb650 you will notice that they are identical , confirming that they have just replaced the ' m14 and the ram " B "
diagram LB650 Mainboard LB650 mainboard LF652
these diagrams are drawn by its manual so original .