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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2015 in all areas

  1. Ciao Zen. Don't be angry, life is too short. We all know that webOS 1.x in our TVs is very nice piece of shit, but there are more important things in our life and things like that it's only shitty decoration. Anyway, in answer to your question - I think yes, it will be good also for your TV. Just try to downgrade with my instruction and when you done, go to TV menu and do update by OTA to next firmware which you want. If you get any problems, let me know to help you more.
    1 point
  2. Ciao SIMON , first of all thanks for helping everybody , as far i realize this WebOS it's a big mess, since i update my 47lb652v with the new firmare 5.00.04 I start having problem with my internet connection ( very very slow almost nothing, I can't use anymore YouTube and Smart iptv, ). Your tutorial for downgrade will be good also for my tv 47lb652v ? , and if yes were i can get the last working firmware Thanks
    1 point
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