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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello I have problem with my TV it's locked my premium content and i want to format TV to clean all register files but Factory Reset is just reset my setting when i want to watch my premium content it still locked. I think it have two method to clear it 1.Format TV clean all register files and save just only system files likes when i just buy a new TV. Or 2.Go to this directory in TV and delete the register files 'file:///mnt/lg/flash/data/01.TIARA_No.9/icpLicense.dat' and Re-register again it's fine for me but i don't know the way to get into it. If anyone know how to do method 1. or 2. or both Please Help ME...
    1 point
  2. FW: 03.23.13 webos: 1.2.0-5713 United Arab emirates 49UB850T-TA
    1 point
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