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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2015 in all areas

  1. Fortunately my problem solved by change the area code in service menu. Thanks Simon for your efforts.
    2 points
  2. Thank you SIMON. this tutorial is what i was looking for. country: ITALY tv model: LG EC930V installed fw: 5.10.20 BETA new firmware installed after downgrade: 5.00.20 stable. no problem during downgrade and after last firmware update. thank you
    1 point
  3. Well guys, I think that the name of TVs you both is HE_DTV_W15U_AFADABAA and that's why name isn't overwritten in in_dump file. I updated LgDTVupdater, so please try again to downgrade your firmware and let me know. If it fails, we will try to do it locally.
    1 point
  4. my tv is a LG 65UC970V bought in Germany
    1 point
  5. @simon thank you very much for your effort. The downgrade worked for me without any hassle and perfect. Tip when using Windows 10 (Pro): I had the problem to get apache running (with starHTTP.bat), because port 80 was already in use by another process. I followed this instruction: "http://www.coder-welten.com/windows-10-unable-to-open-process/"to free port 80. After this apache started and the command window stayed open. ellveez
    1 point
  6. Hi. It is not possible directly on TV, but there is much convenient way. Insert USB stick. Go to Settings - Channels - Copy channels (at the bottom) Copy to USB Download and install ChanSort utility http://sourceforge.net/projects/chansort/ On USB you should find file like GlobalClone00001.TTL (at least on 40LF630 models) so open it in ChanSort Delete, move, rename, renumber channels as you like, then save/overwrite with deleting unsorted channels. Put the USB back to TV and copy channels list back to TV. (Dont forget to select correct USB device if you have more devices connected) It should restart after while and now you should have nice program list. I hope this helps.
    1 point
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