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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2015 in all areas

  1. Simon, I was successful in adjusting my firmware thanks to your tutorial. All is working great again and im not stuck WebOS 2.0 Thank you so so much! Dave
    1 point
  2. I have all so received the update to 5.00.15 via OTA. (LB650V) Let's hope for the best. Trimis de pe al meu Nexus 9 folosind Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. Hi Dave, you can edit that file with notepad while it would be easier on notepad++
    1 point
  4. Have a nice rest Simon hope to hear good news from you soon
    1 point
  5. I reverted my FW back from 05.00.20 to the latest stable on the website, 04.45.25 in my case, recently. Whether it is difficult or not depends. I used https://github.com/openlgtv/nsu_emu+ https://github.com/chokepoint/pytinydns and it was quite ok. If you're on Windows you may have luck with the "LgDTVUpDater" which claims to be a one stop solution (untested by me, the manual seemed rather complicated). HTH
    1 point
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