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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/2015 in all areas

  1. And what about in_dump file? in_dumb actually... LOL
    1 point
  2. Well mtuna10, good job, we are one step closer. As I suspected, there is a problem with the connection. Your TV is connected to the router, but there is no connection with PC / DNS and internet - Wi-Fi ile internete baglanilamiyor: In other words, your PC must be connected to Internet while you checking for updates on TV. BTW If it's possible, I suggest you connect TV and PC to Internet by wire. I do not know what's wrong with your Wi-Fi, but it's a reason that you can't do downgrade. I've enough. We made a big mistake buying these LG DumbTV.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Hi Simon, 04.10.10 firmware is probably a beta version, I found it on some Russian forum. I would like to downgrade to 03.13.85 because then I would be able to upgrade to the official 03.20.05 firmware via OTA but if it would be the same as downgrading directly to 03.20.05 for me that would be great too I also tried with CDN_URL withouth the port info but that did not work either (my in_dump.txt file never gets updated either way). If possible, please share with me the downgrade instructions to 03.20.05 for my Turkish 49UF8507 Thank you very much.
    1 point
  5. Thanks, I think that we will find right solution, but now I have to go to bed. Have a nice day or night.
    1 point
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