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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2015 in all areas

  1. mtuna10, let's try again... 1. Download Software_File(Version_03.03.06) and put into C:\LgDTVUpDater\htdocs a. Fix filename ...V3_SECURED%5B0%5D.epk > ...V3_SECURED.epk 2. Edit HE_DTV_W15U_AFADABAA file in C:\LgDTVUpDater\htdocs <RESPONSE><RESULT_CD>900</RESULT_CD> <MSG>Success</MSG> <REQ_ID>00000000002517882554</REQ_ID> <IMAGE_URL></IMAGE_URL> <IMAGE_SIZE>699098426</IMAGE_SIZE> <IMAGE_NAME>starfish-dvb-secured-lm15u-badlands-453201-03.03.06-prodkey_nsu_V3_SECURED.epk</IMAGE_NAME> <UPDATE_MAJOR_VER>03</UPDATE_MAJOR_VER> <UPDATE_MINOR_VER>03.06</UPDATE_MINOR_VER> <FORCE_FLAG>Y</FORCE_FLAG> <KE></KE><GMT>10 Jun 2015 19:19:20 GMT</GMT> <ECO_INFO>01</ECO_INFO> <CDN_URL></CDN_URL> <CONTENTS></CONTENTS></RESPONSE> a. Copy all and overwrite with HE_DTV_W15U_AFADABAA file content b. Change with your local IP address 3. Edit AcrylicHosts.txt file in C:\LgDTVUpDater\dns ############################################################################# # # # IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES TO THIS FILE YOU HAVE TO RESTART THE ACRYLIC DNS # # PROXY SERVICE IN ORDER TO SEE THEIR EFFECTS. # # # # This is the AcrylicHosts.txt file. # # # # It contains predefined mappings between names and addresses exactly the # # same way the native HOSTS file does. # # # # The format is: IPADDRESS HOSTNAME1 [HOSTNAME2] [HOSTNAME3] ... # # # # Where IPADDRESS is in quad-dotted notation and HOSTNAMES are strings. # # # # The separator between IPADDRESS and HOSTNAMES can be any number of spaces # # or tabs or both. If the HOSTNAMES contain the special characters '*' and # # '?' a (slow) "dir" like pattern matching algorithm is used instead of a # # (fast) binary search within the list of host names: # # # # ad.* ads.* # # # # If a HOSTNAME starts with the '/' character instead it is treated like a # # regular expression (also very slow compared to a binary search): # # # # /^ads?\..*$ # # # # Note: More info about the regular expression engine and its syntax can be # # found at: http://regexpstudio.com # # # # It is also possible to specify exceptions when regular expressions or # # pattern based matching is used. If for example we would like to filter # # out all ads.* like domains except for the ads.test1 and the ads.test2 we # # should write: # # # # ads.* -ads.test1 -ads.test2 # # # # Note: A line starting with the '#' character (and everything after it if # # it's found within a line) is considered a comment and therefore ignored. # # # ############################################################################# localhost snu.lge.com rdvs.alljoyn.org fi.lgtvsdp.com us.lgtvsdp.com in.lgtvsdp.com IN.lgtvsdp.com GB.lgtvsdp.com a. Copy all and overwrite with AcrylicHosts.txt file content b. Change with your local IP address 4. Run downgrade process follow my tutorial 5. If all goes well, remember to restore DNS settings on TV and then you can check for OTA updates...
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. This is NOT for UB models! Just LB630-LB870, EC930! Here you can find TEST/BETA firmwares 05.00.25 for UB850-UB980, UC970: http://goo.gl/1hWwbL(EUROPE) http://goo.gl/ok6XNV(CN, HK) http://goo.gl/ANsWlf(CO, TW) http://goo.gl/lFXgvI(AUS, NZ) There is no possibilities to downgrade from Test/Beta to Official firmware, but you can downgrade with un-official tool
    1 point
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