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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2015 in all areas

  1. hello everyone... about a month ago i bought a smart tv lg671v . (country=greece, language=greek) during setting up , i created an account so i can get in to lgstore . no problem expect that lgstore doesnt offer the content that can be found in http://www.lgappstv.com as i see, there is a note : Available services may vary in each country. so please answer me someone the following: 1)why there is this discrimination (between countries) ? 2)why i cant sign-in to https://gb.lgappstv.com/appspc/member/login/secure.login.lge with thw username and password that i have allready created during setting up my SMART??????? TV. 3)why in http://www.lgappstv.com, in the world map ,a lot of countries dont exist? thanks in advance ps.i hope my english is enough comprehensible...
    1 point
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