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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2015 in all areas

  1. This confirms exactly what I 'm saying has always put a body on a machine that weighs much more than its engine has the strength to move . They miscalculated assessment of ' commitment to process all this , then they are also stupid because they continue to have to do everything automatically . just put a menu choice for the automation functions , like, EPG , channel list ibn reception etc. , etc. , if they did it would alleviate the poor processor and its dynamic ram , for example, if I do not want the channel list could exclude , does not leave us no choice , for example , I bought a TV , because I also tune the radio ? if I do not want them , he tunes too , just give me a chance to ignore them , but not to exclude them from the line saving memory , indexes , etc. , etc . I say this because to do all these automatic , when perhaps at that time I do not need ? give me a chance to turn on or off the function at will , then I would be aware that if you ask an automatic at that time I have to wait for those moments processor esegua.ma them eg I have to change platform from terrestrial TV to satellite TV on TV makes me wait a minute because it must update 5000 channels it is really unbearable . the hardware version 2015 what the ' have partly solved by putting the processor series " + " faster and doubling the ram dynamic second level from 256 to 512 Mb who do not care about us is that in the observations suggest also to lighten the automatic functions with the choices , but we just ignore , do not care about their customers , it is a real shame because the ' hardware is really great, them bit less . not to mention the internet , which is useless , just say that you connect , but then if you actually want to use , a lot of things you are denied and his speed makes us go back 20 years , but not ashamed !. I am not referring to the connection to the network but the connection internet.http . what is the use if we implement it in effect is unusable ?
    1 point
  2. Well I can tell you that after some time you will give up on using WebOS, the OS is very unstable and useless! I have bought cheep laptop and connect to my TV so I can have "smart" TV. Since the day I have purchased the TV until now the TV have received two updates but again I can say this is the most useless device I have evet purchased in my life. To be clear I don't talk here about using the TV as a TV the picture quality, 3D, magic remote and all other TV futures are totally OK.
    1 point
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