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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2015 in all areas

  1. as it turned, it is only a matter of memory, so an error in the project , the fact that webos 2.0 can not be mounted completely on the TV series lb , as though out of the memory occur on webos 1.0 maybe it's time that we all We protest with the manufacturer , requesting the replacement of the motherboard because it does not meet in full as shown in the sales specifications . The out of memory to fully explain the hardware failure to manage what they posted . If they were cars that do not work the brakes would have to recall the products they marketed and to remedy all these drawbacks that the production in 2014 of webos brings us users who have purchased these products . the memory of the second level has been increased from 256 to 512 Mb in new products named LF . the rest is all uguale. change only the motherboard . it is a shame they have placed on the market for products that are not able to handle as specified on their advertising , they used us as guinea pigs to test their products , then you do not even deign to remedy , just change the motherboard , but they are careful not to do so would leave all ' air all their profits , will boycott all their products and shut them down , I have a tv that to change channels takes 30 seconds let alone if you have to change platforms , from terrestrial to satellite , it takes a lifetime . do not say that os 2.0 is a ' else , because the problems that there are in os 1.0 are due to lack of memory (which traparentesi not allow us to upgrade our TV os 2.0 ) then a basic design fault , the their stinginess falls on us , but it would have cost them or we already have a memory of the second level of 512Mb departing , seen from experience on their PC that memory ram is never enough ?
    1 point
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