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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi, Finally, someone gave me the below web site where you can find the firmaware and the change logs: http://www.lgservice.co.kr/cs_lg/download/SoftwareDownloadDetailCmd.laf?cSeq=10087&cCatCode=SW10 It is in Korean, but with Google/Chrome, you can easily translate. Unfortunately the change logs are not very detailled. Best regards.
    2 points
  2. There's almost no TV on the market that support Flash. Also Flash is dead!! http://thenextweb.com/apps/2015/09/01/adobe-flash-just-took-another-step-towards-death-thanks-to-google/ Future of streaming on Internet will be HTML5, unfortunately not all websites migrated yet to this format.. Instead of asking for a TV that support flash, ask the website to replace flash with HTML5!
    1 point
  3. Thanks for this tip! I found this over there: (it is translated from Korean to English by Google) http://www.lgservice.co.kr/cs_lg/download/SoftwareDownloadDetailCmd.laf?cSeq=10084&cCatCode=SW10 The software is probably in Korean as well. Version 05.00.35 Apply model (44) NB.AKRWLH-42LB650042LB6500.AKR42LB6560-NA.AKRWLHclose 42LB6560.AKR42LB6580-NA.AKRWLH42LB6580.AKR47LB6500-NB.AKRWLH47LB6500.AKR47LB6560-NA.AKRWLH47LB6700-NB.AKRWLH47LB6700.AKR47LB6780-NA.AKRWLH47LB6780.AKR47LB6800-NC.AKRWLH47LB6800.AKR47LB7300-NA.AKRWLH47LB7300.AKR47LB7500-NE.AKRWLH47LB7500.AKR50LB6700-NB.AKRWLH50LB6700.AKR50LB6780-NA.AKRWLH50LB6780.AKR50LB6800-NC.AKRWLH50LB6800.AKR55EC9300-NA.AKRVLH55EC9300-NA.AKRWLH55EC9300-NA.AKRZLH55EC9300.AKR55EC9310-NB.AKRVLH55EC9310-NB.AKRWLH55EC9310-NB.AKRZLH55EC9310.AKR55LB6700-NB.AKRWLH55LB6800-NC.AKRWLH55LB6800.AKR55LB7300-NA.AKRWLH55LB7300.AKR55LB7500-NE.AKRWLH55LB7500.AKR65LB7100-NA.AKRWLH65LB7100.AKR70LB7570-NA.AKRMLH70LB7570.AKR WebOS1.0 (M14_05.00.35) .zip (650 megabytes (MB)) Hi, released in 2014 Cinema 3D Smart TV final S / W will be shared. 1. Applicable model - 60/55/50/47 / 42LB6580 - 55/50 / 47LB6780 - 55/50 / 47LB6800 - 65LB7100 - 55 / 47LB7500 - 70LB7570 2. Final Ver - 05.00.35 3. Changes> Im currently a final SW> LG Store Open> Setting Removes duplicate menu> AC Off / on problems back to the First Use> EPG scheduled recordings USB stick storage issues> STB-free function corresponding (C & M, Tbroad cable broadcasters correspondence)> Primary Function Response and U +, SKB MVPD respond> Repeat Recording / specific CH reception should not issue corresponding> Fixed a problem with playback of specific video Slow Video Response> HDCP 2.2 corresponding> Win7 notebook with WiDi 32 characters on the TV when connected Connections should not issue improved settings> Web Browser modified to support my image file> 2D to improve upon the video Broken switch from 3D> Movie Subtitles Auto (Unicode UTF-8 / UTF-16) auto> TV after rebooting in Win7 PC WiDi Not connected> Schedule Recording Schedule recording devised during the next scheduled day schedule set in question (4.45.30)> HDMI external ilbyeok List appears to improve problems (04.45.35)> USB Contents playback, Out Of Memory pop-up output> Value Pack Upgrade ( webOS2.0 1.0 also applies to the corresponding UX)> C & M STB Less VOD CH free images corresponding improvement> STB simple link to the On state when OOM (Out Of Memory) PoP up generating corresponding improvements> Voice-related bug fixes
    1 point
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