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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2016 in all areas

  1. For best picture and quality perfomance please try my settings for LB630-LB870 and EC930,as follows: Settings are same for Live TV(Analog/Digital TV and Satellite), HDMI, Youtube and Smartshare (Video and Pictures) Picture mode: Standard Aspect Ratio: Original Picture Adjust: Backlight: 88 Contrast: 82 Brightness: 50 Sharpness: 32 Colour: 55 Tint: 0 Colour Temperature: 0 Advanced Control: Dynamic Contrast: Low Dynamic Colour: Low Prefered Colour: Skin Colour - 0, Grass Colour - 0, Sky Colour - 0 Colour Gamut: Standard Super Resolution: Low Gamma: Medium Picture Options: Noise Reduction: Off MPEG Noise Reduction: Off Black Level: Low Real Cinema: On Motion Eye Care: Off LED Local Dimming: High TruMotion: User Trumotion Settings: De-Judder: 7 De-Blur: 10 For 3D Settings(Video and Pictures) there are small changes as follows: Picture mode: Standard Aspect Ratio: Original Picture Adjust: Backlight: 95 Contrast: 90 Brightness: 50 Sharpness: 32 Colour: 65 Tint: 0 Colour Temperature: 0 Advanced Control: Dynamic Contrast: Low Dynamic Colour: Low Prefered Colour: Skin Colour - 0, Grass Colour - 0, Sky Colour - 0 Colour Gamut: Standard Super Resolution: Low Gamma: Medium Picture Options: Noise Reduction: Off MPEG Noise Reduction: Off Black Level: Low Real Cinema: On Motion Eye Care: Off LED Local Dimming: Medium TruMotion: User Trumotion Settings: De-Judder: 7 De-Blur: 10 Some settings are not available in picture setting. Do not let that upset Other tips: In General settings please switch "Settings Help" to "Off" to speedup Settings Panel In Accesibility Pointer Options settings please set Pointer Size to smallest. This will reduce "ghost effect" around pointer in pure black screen/radio mode or similar After every Firmware Update, please Reset to Initial Factory Settings, then apply my settings
    1 point
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