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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/29/2016 in all areas

  1. People! I do not understand your hunger for updating the Webos versions, "will we have webos 2.0 ?" , "how well it works webos 3.0?" and so on... Let me tell you something: Webos 999.0 will never surpass at least Android 2.3 ! I have 47''LB730V from more than a year...time enough to play with it...installing , upgrading, downgrading...iptv... after I bought android tv box: Tronsmart Orion R68 Meta with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of ROM, eight core processor... with Lollipop android...it was a huge change in my tv experience...I really do not understand why did I pay those hundreds of euros more for a TV with SMART functions while the android tv box costs 77 euros ?! Android it is a universal platform...with universal support, feedback, apps...there is a big change in net speed, I can watch full HD channels from various app such as torrent stream controller or kodi, showbox... I have flash support, sopcast, latest html, wifi dual, ethernet that recognizes my 300 MBps speed...what can I say? The difference betwenn a Lg TV with smart and an LG tv without it is many, many times the cost of an android tv box... and will never ever forever equals it ! If I would buy a second LG tv will search for a non smart one...and attach it a android terminal! bie!
    1 point
  2. LG states that OS2 TVs support bluetooth. When you have bought a one, it appears to be LG proprietary bluetooth. This is not the bluetooh sandard, so this is misleading. LG Do something about this!
    1 point
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