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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi, I really hope that LG WebOS can add on the IFLIX apps ( http://iflix.com ) for a user in Asia (especially Malaysia) and the Middle East Country. I very sure it will boost up the LG tv market and sell. Thank you.
    1 point
  2. I shopped all around for TVs and purchased LG because I respected the brand. Not anymore. This is pretty piss poor on LG's part, in my opinion. I see the release in December of 2014 that says it is added to their WebOS. . . "The HBO Go comes standard on the Premium Content menu, which is part of the WebOS interface used on the most recent LG TVs" -- However this is not the case. Hey LG -- When are you going to fix this? All of your customers are here waiting on your response to this topic. Thank you.
    1 point
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