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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2017 in all areas

  1. New user to the forum! My TV is an LG OLED 65B6P, which was working fine until a few days ago, when the magic remote pointer and OK button stopped working (was getting message that Bluetooth needed to be initialized). After making the mistake of calling product support, they had me do a factory reset, but that didn't fix the issue, and only made it worse, as now I can't proceed from the "Start Up" menu as I can't click the OK button. I'm dead in the water, and have even tried this with 2 different magic remotes! I've tried the pairing and unpairing suggested on numerous support sites, and can't get anywhere with this. Can't even find an LG service center in the Boston area. I also have a Harmony Ultimate remote, but that likely won't help here, as I can't get the "OK" button assigned in the TV's current state. Any help is appreciated!
    1 point
  2. I have to say I was not happy to find out that none of the premium channels are supported. I have to disagree that LG doesn't have some influence on the apps. The fact is the software doesn't support flash. That's between LG and Adobe. Funny Netflix and Amazon Apps work just fine.. I really wish they would address this issue.
    1 point
  3. Unfortunately, already tried with 2 LG magic remotes, but neither seem to work. OK button simply won't respond.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Unfortunately I don't see the HBOGO app on my end and from what I hear its not available. When you look at the HBOGO site for supported systems, lg is not listed: https://help.hbogo.com/hc/en-us/articles/204870497-Which-connected-TV-devices-is-HBO-GO-supported-on-
    1 point
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