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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2017 in all areas

  1. 5. You should download an app from the store for that, but I don't know if that is available everywhere. 7. No, for me, you can not do that. If you install the STB correct you can access functions from it with the Magic Remote but, in my case, it is not as easy as with the remote from the STB. You can do a lot, but not everything. Most of the time I use the remote of the STB which I could program to work with the LG TV (volume, on/off). Only when I use apps from the LG TV I use the Magic Remote. If I only want to change a channel or the volume I use the remote close to me :-)
    1 point
  2. Hi! You have two options: 1. Find channels on SAT TV STB and use STB's program guide. All the control regarding SAT TV channels is done on STB with STB's remote. Connect STB via HDMI with TV. Switch TV input to HDMI1. 2. Plug SAT antenna cable into TV, and find channels on TV. In this way, STB is not used anymore. You will also probably need to move smart card for SAT channels decoding from STB to TV.
    1 point
  3. This with all media types: photos, video and music... And happens with all WebOS, as well 47LB6500 of mine!
    1 point
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