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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi guys, i recently bought the Lg 42LB650V and yesterday it automatically updated, and i have a problem, when i am using a app for log time, like watching video on youtube, after a while it say's me something like "Out of Memory, app closed". Please help me what can i do. It displayed this error before the update but never in the youtube app, only when browsing. and i have another problem, when i am watching a video on the web browser, after 10-15 minutes, it displays the same out of memory error, and i watched the same video on my friend's lg smart tv that hasn't got webOs, has got the old Lg smart tv OS, cinema 3d , and i watched the complete video without any error, and did lot of other stuff and didn't got the out of memory error. I bought this LG thinking that it's a new model so it will not have problems, if i can watch in the old TV, why not in the new TV. Please help me, i am very worried because i will have to change the TV because of the same error that i got in my Sony Smart TV that i returned to the store. HEEEEELP Please.
    1 point
  2. Using the official LG contact form, and importantly asking for a reply, I enquired why there is not HBOGO app available for webOS as there was for NetCast. A screen-shot of their reply is attached. The short answer is that it is HBO's (or any other provider's) responsibility to create an app for webOS, and that as the consumer we should approach said provider to make our needs known. However, LG will pass such requests through their internal structure so that the company can see what is being requested, so maybe they will then work with the content provider or possibly do it themselves. The upshot is make your voice heard directly to both LG and any content provider you want to produce an app for webOS, and that the forum is just a forum and we cannot expect LG to read our outpourings. If I was to submit a question again I would include the fact that I am a member of this forum and that many members have the same requests as myself. This may then get the forum in to LG's sight-line, because who knows if they are even aware it exists.
    1 point
  3. Also would like to see hob go and showtime apps. I keep buying Samsung Tvs as they have this. Better integration with Apple would be a plus
    1 point
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