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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2017 in all areas

  1. Please give us the option to remove Live TV from the Launcher and Home Menu, "Today" from the Home menu, and to auto-launch the last running app (like if you were watching Hulu when you turned off the TV. I don't have cable and all of these features are just a nuisance to me. Turning on my tv with the "No signal" or "Scrambled" message because I don't have any live channels is also annoying and looks very unpolished for a $5k TV... Thanks!
    1 point
  2. Thank but I've tried all of that at least three times already and none of it works. I set the DNA servers to , and a few others but so far only the above procedure of connecting first via a mobile phone hotspot works.
    1 point
  3. I have yet to see one single response from LG on this issue... Absolutely pathetic!
    1 point
  4. Okay, I have searching on the net for a week, and found some posts about this problem (not specifically with LG TVs). All solutions said, that set digital output mode to PCM. It works for me as well, but in that case no Dolby Digital 5.1 . Also, an LG tech called me, he wants to replace the main board of the TV, but I don't think that will help (he isn't sure as well). If that is a hardware issue, than I should get this problem via PCM setting as well (moreover the sound is digital, so the two options are sound or no sound, digital sound can't have interference, popping noise or things like that). So assume this is a transcoding issue, and it has to be the software. Anyone experiencing a thing like this?
    1 point
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