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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2017 in all areas

  1. I have noted that TV WebOS is very slow and when you start TV it taking long time to go to any menu. Is there any way to make it fast ? Is there any way that it will update program guide quickly ? Is it possble to change Change font size ? Does magic remote cofigurable ? Is it possible to change remote scroll wheel to sound insted of changing channel ? If you connect to any HDMI device it taking long time to switch back to normal TV mode some time it requied to switch off an switch on. This is dumb OS. I should have check before buying it. Please any one has answer to make it fast ? Is it is possible to change OS if I dont want to use WebOS ? New buyer please check before you jump to WebOS
    1 point
  2. I have recently bought the 55UJ670V MODEL and updated to the latest software and the problem is still there. I spoke to LG support UK who advised me to press and hold the reset button to to clear memory and that will clear the problem, I said I have already done it tell me of some other fix and she hung up the phone!
    1 point
  3. Agreed, i alredy posted my disapoitment, I was fulled by the tv presentation about LGwebOS, it is actualy worse than any OS i have ever seen on TV as far the performance - the idea it selff is OK. switching chanels takes 3-5 sec opening seings somtimes takes up to 10 sec. you can only chose external or tv speakers not simuntaniasly and many more other things. I would gladly install google TV if there will be posibility or - even previuse LG smart tv OS
    1 point
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