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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2017 in all areas

  1. Still getting the oft reported out of memory error with latest 2017 smart tv's running very latest WebOS and App updates. So annoying LG cannot fix this problem which as been ongoing since at least 2015.ti little more than trite suggestions to re-start the TV or remove unused Apps etc. Problem seems to be either insufficient memory installed to run WebOS apps properly or a major problem with WebOS ability to properly manage what memory there is. Combined with pitifull lack of USB ports quickly occupied with hard drive if recording and time machine functionality is required the 'smart' features seem poor compared to other manufacturers now.
    1 point
  2. I had the problem for 5 years with 2 separate Tv's. It is any Smart App like iPlayer or YouTube. The problem is that the memory cache is not managed/cleared properly. Thus the only LG advice is turn off TV for a while then turn it on again. I have an external HD D for recording and playing programmes which works fine, but definitely had not resolved the Out of Memory errors I have now spoken to the retailer I purchase it from as it's still under Warrantee, and got them to admit that as LG cant fix the known error, and as i have proof (video of the error appearing multiple times on multiple occasional,), that the TV is not Fit for Purpose; from the Sale of Goods act. The Smart TV functionality keeps failing with the out of memory error, so TV is not providing promised functionality. Using this argument I am getting a refund for the TV and will never buy an LG TV again. If under warranty, suggest trying the same approach.
    1 point
  3. I told , the very well spoken lad who should really go into politics as he defended the indefensible with aplomb, that i sincerely hoped the conversation was recorded as I was about to make it my mission to out LG for its slimy practices. When I asked why the limitations of the OS wasn't pointed out on the TV Specs, which i read thoroughly before purchase, he said that no company would list such info and that the list would be extensive as no device does everything. My retort was that a webOS streams video in every other device known to man. Not streaming video on an OS is equivalent to buying a car only to discover there isn't a speedometer. LG has taken their customers to be fools. How marvellously offensive! Every social media outlet, television review, electronics website, LinkedIn connected LG employee, and competitor is about to know my name. Hell hath no furry like a scientist with an internet connection and a grudge. Beware LG, I'm coming for you!
    1 point
  4. Absolute bull****! Why does Samsung and ANY other TV not have the same "flaw" built in? That's an complete copout for bad design! Furthermore, why could someone from LG not come on to this forum, HOSTED BY THEM, to tell everybody that? I know why, telephonically they can say what they want to. Put it in print here and they are liable to get sued, that's why! Another thing, how the HELL are you supposed to stream YouTube, which is embedded as an application on the product, but does the same crap "out of memory" errors????
    1 point
  5. Just got off the phone to lg support. I was told the web browser shuts down when attempting to stream video ON PURPOSE! Furthermore, once you stream anything from the internet, the cache fills up, does not clear, and prevents the installed apps from functioning properly. I was told that the OS is a web browser NOT a web streaming service and if they allow customers access to stream video they will be in breach of their contractual agreement to the companies who have apps on the TV. This clearly doesn't happen on tablets or phones, so their logic for creating a sub par product is utter bollocks. I specifically asked the salesman if I could stream video from the internet and was told absolutely yes. When I pointed this out to Lg customer service they re-iterated that a web browser does not confer the ability to stream video. This is misleading the customer, and effectively censoring and filtering internet content. This must stop!
    1 point
  6. I have yet to see one single response from LG on this issue... Absolutely pathetic!
    1 point
  7. I feel so ripped off by LG and what pisses me off more is that CNET and other review sites didn't mention this.
    1 point
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