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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2017 in all areas

  1. Even if they focused on small things like adding custom screensaver images, it should be hard for them since they use the HP OS as a basic and not other more tuned OS. IMO they did a pretty great job with the OS so far, still need to tune some stuff but I've seen worse!
    1 point
  2. I don't think that it will be available because the web browser sucks. If they make the firefox web browser available, than there will be more chances to have the adblock. They can make a firefox web browser because it is open source. I don't like the Lg web browser because if you watch a 30 minutes video, after 10 minutes it says, "out of memory, app closed" and my friends Lg Smart tv without webOS and i can watch unlimited videos on the web browser and it never closes. Hope it helped, enjoy what you have and be patient.
    1 point
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