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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2017 in all areas

  1. I have noted that TV WebOS is very slow and when you start TV it taking long time to go to any menu. Is there any way to make it fast ? Is there any way that it will update program guide quickly ? Is it possble to change Change font size ? Does magic remote cofigurable ? Is it possible to change remote scroll wheel to sound insted of changing channel ? If you connect to any HDMI device it taking long time to switch back to normal TV mode some time it requied to switch off an switch on. This is dumb OS. I should have check before buying it. Please any one has answer to make it fast ? Is it is possible to change OS if I dont want to use WebOS ? New buyer please check before you jump to WebOS
    1 point
  2. Just got off the phone to lg support. I was told the web browser shuts down when attempting to stream video ON PURPOSE! Furthermore, once you stream anything from the internet, the cache fills up, does not clear, and prevents the installed apps from functioning properly. I was told that the OS is a web browser NOT a web streaming service and if they allow customers access to stream video they will be in breach of their contractual agreement to the companies who have apps on the TV. This clearly doesn't happen on tablets or phones, so their logic for creating a sub par product is utter bollocks. I specifically asked the salesman if I could stream video from the internet and was told absolutely yes. When I pointed this out to Lg customer service they re-iterated that a web browser does not confer the ability to stream video. This is misleading the customer, and effectively censoring and filtering internet content. This must stop!
    1 point
  3. I am an electronics engineer with an experience of more than 30 years. Just thinking logically i conclude that the program list can be created mixing channels from any source. If, for any reason, switching from one source to another requires a delay it will be of course accepted. It is the responsibility of the user to optimize his program list in that respect. The way the software is implemented now is to my opinion unacceptable, because it forces the user to perform actions (send a lot of commands using the remote control) that could have been done by the tv's processor. I wonder really what is happening there in LG ...
    1 point
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