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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Yes, this problem has been ongoing for long time. You are lucky to get 40 minutes, I usually get a lot less (on Youtube). LG don't seem willing or able to solve it.
    1 point
  2. ^^^ I always use the DS Video app on my phone and just cast to the TV. Why would having the app on the TV make it any better? I find the response to apps on the phone and casting much quicker than comparable apps on my LG TV.
    1 point
  3. Never mind. For completeness sake, here's how I fixed this. Simply DISCONNECT from the wifi, and re-enter using the same password and credentials. Everything came back online once I did that. Very odd, but it worked.
    1 point
  4. We don't know until LG comes out with more information, which will probably be next week at CES.
    1 point
  5. After struggling with this problem for almost a month I finally decided to send it back and get a different model. I got a 50" 4k HDR Samsung TV yesterday and it's such a massive improvement. Didn't have to do any sound sync adjustment, it just works with the Samsung sound bar as you'd expect. So easy. It' such a relief. I am over the moon with my Samsung. I would recommend anyone who is experiencing the same or similar problems to what I described, send it back and get a different TV, preferably not LG. LG have proven themselves entirely incompetent throughout this fiasco. It appears they simply don't care that an entire range/batch of TVs are faulty.
    1 point
  6. Howdy, Bought myself an LG 60UH770T-HT (in Australia) and love it. It's the first 'smart' TV I've seen where the OS doesn't make me want to make it un-smart, Android on TVs is just awful in my experience. Is running LG Software version 3.17.20 at present and Web OS 3.1.2-1217 (dreadlocks-denali). I'm really keen to find out if I can install 3rd party apps such as a replacement web browser for the very limited one that came installed with the TV etc.... Things I'd like to do / find out if I can do: Upgrade the inbuilt hard drive to a larger SSD. Install a better web browser (one that's updated, security patched, allows downloads etc...). See if I can enable any more advanced settings. Customise the interface layout. Train the smart remote to the IR codes for my QUAD Vena integrated amp.I contacted LG via twitter and they weren't at all helpful, essentially blew me off to talk over the phone then changed that to logging something with the Australian only website, they didn't even respond when I said that the QUAD was a UK brand and widely used all over the world, they made it pretty clear they didn't care. Twitter convo started here: https://twitter.com/s_mcleod/status/756353546245672961 Moved to a DM convo LG support blowing me off.pdf Contribute back any learning / information I find out to help others. Mirror my iPhone directly to the TV, I'm hoping there's an Airplay receiver app out there somewhere. Add Getflix, or a quick way to switch between DNS servers to the UI. And probably a lot more.
    1 point
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