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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2018 in all areas

  1. Please add the HBO Go, and Now apps.
    1 point
  2. Please see the many, many, many other posts on this issue. Flash is never going to happen on webOS (or Samsung Tizen), Flash is as another poster put it 'already in its coffin'. Adobe has officially said it is killing Flash in 2020, no one in their right mind at LG is going to waste time and money supporting a hideously out-dated piece of buggy bloaty security nightmare piece of software that has been superseded by other better, slimmer, securer software. If the site you want to watch uses Flash contact the web-master and invite them in to the 21st century... Hell they could even use Adobe Muse to create the site. Oh hold on Adobe has just killed that off as well. Do you see the theme on Adobe web products going on here?
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. We want HDR support for YouTube APP......
    1 point
  5. I told , the very well spoken lad who should really go into politics as he defended the indefensible with aplomb, that i sincerely hoped the conversation was recorded as I was about to make it my mission to out LG for its slimy practices. When I asked why the limitations of the OS wasn't pointed out on the TV Specs, which i read thoroughly before purchase, he said that no company would list such info and that the list would be extensive as no device does everything. My retort was that a webOS streams video in every other device known to man. Not streaming video on an OS is equivalent to buying a car only to discover there isn't a speedometer. LG has taken their customers to be fools. How marvellously offensive! Every social media outlet, television review, electronics website, LinkedIn connected LG employee, and competitor is about to know my name. Hell hath no furry like a scientist with an internet connection and a grudge. Beware LG, I'm coming for you!
    1 point
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