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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone, I wish LG would consider updating their Codecs list or at least give us a way of installing this codecs in our TV manually. i know my TV is capable of playing a lot of stuff but i'm always stuck with "not supported" for most of the media i have. One of the most wished stuff i'd love to see is Added support for H.264 10bit (still very popular and used a lot) as well as Opus codecs (its a Free codec and its getting a lot use recently especially with H.265 MKV videos) Like i said, please add this codecs and more or at least give us a way of doing it ourselves. i know there might be legal issues and some codecs are payed, so just let us install it ourselves instead. Thanks.
    1 point
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