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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2018 in all areas

  1. Ah, I got it. I don't usually use the LG remote since I have the Logitech Harmony Elite to control all my devices, but apparently there is one thing it may do that the Elite does not. If I click on the picture, then the SOURCE shows up in the upper left corner. If I click THAT, then it shows the actual resolution, hdr, etc. THAT was what I was looking for!
    1 point
  2. Thanks for your answer. We do have a few ROKU’s and a couple of Apple TV ‘s, so going through them works just fine. I guess I’m just born in the wrong time and expect it to be like the Jetson’s where everything blows me away at its efficiency and futuristic abilities, hehe. Alas, we live in a world where things may not live up to expectation. Appreciate the time you took to answer! Regards, Marisa
    1 point
  3. Sadly in tech there is not really anything that is future proof, things change too quickly. I am not expecting my 2016 49UH650V to get upgraded to webOS 4.0, it would be nice but realistically the hardware probably will not support it. With any Smart TV there will come a point when you have to decide that if you want the latest smart features the only way you are going to get them is to buy something like a ROKU to get them.
    1 point
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