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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2018 in all areas

  1. We want to watch netflix on the browser not the app. The login page appears but when we click on the Play button a screen appears talking about HTML5 and Silverlight. We know what HTML5 and Silverlight are but find it strange that the WebOS browser does not support this markup language on its player. Oddly YouTube works fine in the browser. Does anybody know how to get the WebOS browser to run HTML5?
    1 point
  2. Here in the US, the day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday and is traditionally the best shopping day of the year! You can find deals on just about anything but here at lgwebos.com, we are tracking specials on LG TVs. The Target ad has leaked and on page two we have 43 and 49" sets with as much as $120 off! On page six we have a 55, 60, and 65 inch LG UHD Smart webOS TVs with as much as $250 off! Check back for more Black Friday deals and post in this topic if you see some!
    1 point
  3. Thank you George. Yes YouTube runs fine but oddly not Netflix. I would have thought Netflix uses HTML5 for its browser and WebOS would display HTML5. No big deal just that we use the browser for everything else, email, YouTube, News channels, so we have simply got used to using Netflix from within the browser. Plus we have found Apps usually have limited functions, less security and more bugs so we avoid them. I would not want to get into a protracted discussion about whether to use apps or browser, just wondering, as you do, why a widely-used service such as Netflix would not work on a fairly-widely-used Operating System like WebOs and would there just be some simple setting that we are not aware of to enable Netflix to play content without leaving the browser.
    1 point
  4. YouTube should run fine as it detects a compatible browser and then only uses HTML. Silverlight like Flash is pretty much dead in the water and no manufacturer if their browser does not support it now is going to bother building in support for it. Out of interest why do you want to watch it in the browser and not the app?
    1 point
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