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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi, LG content store administrators! When will you give us Jio TV on WebOS. You have been left back by almost 2 years by other TV OS. At least compete with others in the present market. In the name of WebOS you are charging your customers heavily but you are not giving them even the minimum. Other TV manufactures e.g. MI, VU, Samsung, etc, are giving the world to their customers for a price as low as 60% of what you are charging. Still you have useless apps in your store which have no meaning at all for a TV and have left the stuffs that are inevitable in market. P K Prabhakar pkprabhakar@gmail.com
    1 point
  2. Below is the small wishlist of apps required for India 1. Skype 2. Jio TV 3. Jio Cinema 4. IPTV 5. Hotstar 6. TVFPlay 7. ALTBalaji 8. JioMusic
    1 point
  3. Please add some good apps for India
    1 point
  4. Have you approached Jio TV to ask them when they will be producing an app for webOS? This figure of other manufacturers being 60% cheaper than LG makes me wonder why you bothered buying the set you did if you knew that everyone else was cheaper and provided a better range of apps.
    1 point
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