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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone, I wish LG would consider updating their Codecs list or at least give us a way of installing this codecs in our TV manually. i know my TV is capable of playing a lot of stuff but i'm always stuck with "not supported" for most of the media i have. One of the most wished stuff i'd love to see is Added support for H.264 10bit (still very popular and used a lot) as well as Opus codecs (its a Free codec and its getting a lot use recently especially with H.265 MKV videos) Like i said, please add this codecs and more or at least give us a way of doing it ourselves. i know there might be legal issues and some codecs are payed, so just let us install it ourselves instead. Thanks.
    1 point
  2. Would love to see an app or webOS update that has a chromecast built in - so we can chromecast to the TV without requiring the google cast hdmi dongle. would be especially useful since there aren't too many featured apps (hbo go, etc) and these apps support google cast. Any plans to do this?
    1 point
  3. @George Hofmeister : I agree, however that is why I stated have it be an app, that way they can pass that expense back to the individual, you want chromacast, ok, that will be $4.99, thank you come again!
    1 point
  4. I second this! It would be great to see Opus especially.
    1 point
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