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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2019 in all areas

  1. @txydas Hi, thanks. I tried to find the item on ebay. But I realized that here, in IRAN, sanctioned by Ultimate Satan Administration (USA), it is a tedious task or even impossible to buy such a thing through ebay or amazon or ... , because a TV WiFi RF module may be used in an imaginary nuclear warhead, according to them. LOL! anyway, per the experiences reported in this forum, I tried to see what the module is. At the first glance, and more and more scope, no obvious fault was detected. everything seemed to be OK. So I just disassembled the module and the ribbon cable. I experienced that the TV had little or no sense to magic control. So, the module was not a thing that could be ignored. So I took some photos and reassembled them again after the only common remaining task, i.e. cleaning the module and connecting cable both at the module's and mainboard's header by a spray solvent. And now, it is for 3 days that the TV has operated flawlessly. Everything is OK; Magic control, WiFi, Screenshare, No message, No pause or delay in the stream display ... I wonder what the bug was and wonder whether it would be coming back? Who knows? It was recommended to me to substitute the TV to another model or brand. It is not my decision for now. So, It may be helpful if the users, who have replaced the module, say in please that if any similar tasks had been already done before replacing?
    1 point
  2. Have struggled for more than a year to ensure smooth running of apps and reliable connectivity on my new LG 43" smart TV. Finally, the clouds have started to clear, for me at least, by applying the following solutions helped by others making sensible suggestions here and elsewhere online: 1. Use a TP Powerline kit to kid your TV into thinking it has an ethernet connection (i.e. if it doesn't already, an ethernet cable runs from the router directly into your TV's ethernet socket). This investment is little more than £25 and will give greatly increased internet speed and reliability. I am on Vodafone SuperFibre, so somewhere around 70 to 76. Powerline very easy to set up in around 5 minutes. It requires a traditional electric socket by the TV. For the price, you get two 3-pin plugs and two short ethernet cables. One socket needs to be by your TV, so that one ethernet cable can run from the first plug to the TV's ethernet socket. The second plug is put into another electric socket on the same ring in the same room. The second ethernet cable runs from the second plug directly into the router, and is paired with the first plug simply by pressing the button on it. Bob's your uncle if both Powerline plugs are showing 3 green lights. These plugs are never switched off. Your TV now assumes it has an ethernet connection and stops wasting memory trying to look for a wi-fi signal. 2. Disable permanently the TV's wi-fi connection by going into the general settings. My 670UV TV's internet settings indicate WIRED CONNECTION thanks to the Powerline kit, as I cannot locate the TV conveniently near the router in my living room in order to benefit from using an ethernet cable. In addition, I have grown convinced my TV's wi-fi reception is its biggest Achilles heel, as it has never worked from Day One. 3. Disable FAST START in the general settings so that TV performs a cold start (will cost an extra 2 seconds, I reckon) with empty memory every time it is switched on with the remote. It is a fallacy that this wastes any extra electricity, and seems to be an essential part of the solution suggested here. The apparent result of applying the above three steps: 1. No buffering and no stalling or crashing of any of the TV's apps, notably iPlayer, which has up till now been dreadful and pretty much unusable. Apps generally also load quickly and smoothly. 2. Seamless YouTube play including all 4K content which was crashing all the time after a few minutes' play. 3. Better and more stable ITV HUB and Channel 5 apps, which have also hitherto often frozen or crashed. These steps have given my TV a new lease of life, as I had often toyed with returning it to John Lewis on the grounds that it doesn't work. Now, a month into the TV's new regime, I have a TV properly performing as a SMART tv, and can keep what hair I have left after tearing so much out.
    1 point
  3. LG WebOS is very slow operating system. It's very dissatisfied by LG WebOS. Because LG Store not having any good apps Like Hotstar and like that. I would like to request you to include the Hotstar apps.
    1 point
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