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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2019 in all areas

  1. Some people mentioned that turning of Wi-Fi in the Settings menu helped them. I just wanted to say that, even though that makes sense, most LG TVs don't have a menu setting to do that, only a few do. So this is an option for only some people. I didn't try removing the module; that may have worked for me since I wasn't using WiFi nor any magic control. I didn't try cleaning it up or anything either. I guess it could be an issue of a lose connection as well, but I can't really confirm that. I do know that is has been a week now with the new module and it is still working well, no issues in sight. Here is a picture of my old module, in case it helps.
    1 point
  2. Please include an ad block for the LG Web OS smart TV, it's annoying watching streaming videos with an ad that appears every 30 seconds less or more. Next time I will include a picture of it. Please take care of my consideration. Thank you in advance.
    1 point
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