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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2019 in all areas

  1. Because this is not the first time somebody suggested that LG should make an app because everybody want the 'hotstar app', the 'steam app', 'sony life' app, the 'hulu app' the 'hbo app', etc. etc. etc. So George explains time and time again that:1: LG can not make the apps because only hotstar, steam, sony etc has the knowledge to make the apps and 2: this is not a LG forum, it is a lg USER forum. And it is hot here with record breaking temperatures, so maybe not enough energy 🙂
    1 point
  2. I don’t think it would be coming as early as next week. As per Sony LIV’s latest tweet(7hrs ago) they are working on it. If it was in the final stages they would have mentioned that its in final stages as hotstar used to; or maybe to expect it soon. Where did you heard the rumours?
    1 point
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