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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi there, so far, the inbuilt media player was able to play a lot I threw at it, but it, but some videos just won't play. They are playing on every other platform and other videos with the same codecs involved also play, but there seem to be things (maybe a higher compression, bigger container data or something like this) that throws off the in-built player, so it just says "couldn't recognize media, want to continue with the next video?" So I was looking for another media player on the LG app store but other than a few IPTV players and client-side streaming players (like Plex), I couldn't find any app that I could try playing those videos with (from an external hard drive which is plugged into the TV, that is). Basically, I'm looking for a VLC-like app that supports 4k and HDR. 😉 Alternatively, there doesn't seem to be a way to update the in-built player, right? I assume it's included in the general TV update. Given that I'm up-to-date with this one, I assume this means that I can't to anything there. Any help or suggestions are appreciated!
    1 point
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