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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2019 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, I just got the 50UM7500BSP TV, so i know that the webOS 3.0 and 3.5 has the function of Multi-view, where you can see two entrys of video at the same time spliting the screen. So my answer is the webOS 4.5 has that function? because i cant do it on my TV (well know is up to date at webOS 4.7). I ask to the LG support and they told me that yes it has it, but i cant find it, i dont know if its a app now or what. Please help me, i need this function.
    1 point
  2. 1. Worked like a dream for me downgraded to 3.23.13 2. Rebboted now upgrading via manual update. 3. Upgraded to 4.30.16 4. Reboot and tv has found update via automatic update which is in progress 5. Udpate 5.00.04 installed Straight forward and worked without issue. Thank you Simon. David Isom
    1 point
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