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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2020 in all areas

  1. I was wondering if there was anyway to get multiview on tv model UF6430? Or an app equivalent?
    1 point
  2. There are a couple of options. See if there is a CBS app in the LG webstore. I do not believe there is, but I have not checked recently. There is CBS All Access, which is a pay service. It has some great content, new and old, for just a few bucks per month, and will have a lot more than is available on their website. Get a Chromecast. This would be my number one suggestion. With it, you can use the CBS app on your phone/tablet to cast right to the TV, or from a Chrome browser on your desktop. the Chromecast does all the work, with the mobile device just acting as a remote, so you can continue to use it while casting. There are other devices, like Roku and Amazon Fire, but I am not familiar with their specific app or casting support. I can tell you that, last I checked, Chromecast is the only device that supports screen-mirroring from both iOS and Android devices.
    1 point
  3. I am not aware of any non-Google Android Smart TV's web browser that supports Flash, and as it is being killed of by Adobe in 2020 it is not in anyone's best interest to keep using a hideously outdated, bloated, bug ridden, resource hungry piece of software that was superseded by much better technologies many years ago. It should be noted that while Google currently produces Pepper Flash for Chrome they to will be dropping support in 2020. https://www.androidpolice.com/2017/07/25/chrome-will-completely-remove-flash-support-end-2020/ As for not being able to watch Zee5 in the browser I would suggest contacting them to ask them if they are either planning to release a webOS app and when or when they are going to update their website to run with HTML5 (one of those much more modern technologies I alluded to earlier) which would be compatible with the webOS browser. Upgrading their website would be their best route, even Hotstar has upgraded their site recently to work with the webOS browser are many users contacted them to comment on not being able to view it on their LG TVs. Sadly companies that run large cumbersome websites reliant on out-dated software packages are loathed to spend the time and monies need to keep up with current technology, this is sadly their own fault and not that of LG.
    0 points
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