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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2020 in all areas

  1. I hope Lg bring spectrum to webos , 💌
    1 point
  2. You need to get the spectrum app to be available for lg tv's. It's sad that only Samsung tv's have it and you don't.
    1 point
  3. Just bought 70’ and 82’ LG smart TVs and adding Spectrum app would make the smart TV a better product. Hopefully LG adds Spectrum app to WebOS...
    1 point
  4. hi Can i get Spectrum Ap in my LG tv?
    1 point
  5. You need to get the spectrum app on the lg webos
    1 point
  6. Thank you for your reply - it was informative. My understanding (provided by a LG region manager only verbally) is that the new 2019 LG OLEDs will support the additional apps we are missing including the updated Hulu live streaming, and that there are no hardware limitations in the 2017 and 2018 LG OLEDs to prevent the new webOS-based apps from working. The limitation is LG's alone and could be easily "unlocked" and installed with the next update. Assuming that is true, I can't point to the app providers. Its up to LG to open the "sandbox" - sorry if I am using this term incorrectly.
    1 point
  7. As with all operating systems the majority of the apps/programmes are not written by the platform manufacturers. Apple, Google, Microsoft et al do not produce every single programme for their operating systems, so why do users think that LG is any different? If you want a Smart TV with the largest amount of apps available then look for an Android based system. LG's webOS is one of, if not the easiest, to produce apps for utilising HTML5 and JavaScript, the problem of lack of apps comes down to a couple of issues. The first is market share with Samsung being one of the largest in the sector, this leads to them having more resources (money) to pull in content providers to their Tizen platform, thus more earning potential for the provider. The second is that many content providers rely heavily on proprietary back-ends that do not support open standards making it harder to programme for webOS, if you reach more market share through another platform which are you going to programme for? Hotstar was one example of this with no app still available users were left to try and watch content via the webOS browser, however they were unable to do so until very recently when the site was updated to both recognise the browser ID string and serve the media in a format that could be used by said browser. Rant over.
    1 point
  8. We've enjoyed our LG OLED 7P (55" and 65") - two awesome TVs. However, I wend shopping for another 65" but it WON'T be an LG. Without a commitment to keep the Apps updated and neglecting to support Spectrum and others, LG has lost my business.
    1 point
  9. Lack of apps is problem, well it is only a problem if there is not an app you specifically want. LG do not make the apps themselves and we, the end user, have no idea how much effort LG themselves make at getting content providers to produce apps for the platform. So if you want a specific app really you need to pursue that with the content provider first, then if you cannot get any joy out of them contact LG and give them proof of your interaction and then see if they will get involved. If you write code then producing an app for webOS does not seem particularly difficult, there is a well developed SDK, plenty of help, tutorials and code examples on the LG developer site and of course YouTube is there if needed. There is of course a process to go through submitting the app to LG who if they approve it will make it available in the app catalogue. I imagine that one of the biggest reasons that LG does not write the apps themselves is that content providers would have to allow access to various APIs and the like to be able to interact with their services, which some would be reluctant to do.
    1 point
  10. Yes please! There really is not a reason for this not to happen. Overall, there seems to be a lack of apps for this smart TV.
    1 point
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