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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2020 in all areas

  1. For those who get frequent WiFi connection drop-outs, I picked this bit of useful info from another forum. Note that this may well apply to many other LG models than the C9, as they often use common WiFi internal cards/modules: "Network/Ethernet/Wi-Fi Problem: C9 [or other models] will lose the wireless connection and you have to reconnect daily (but wired is stable); Conditions: TV is connected to a 5GHz router; Cause: (1) the router may be unstable on the 5GHz band [possibly too far from router]; (2) the router has the 5GHz band set on a higher channel - over 100; Resolution: (1) change the TV to the 2.4GHz band (2) set the channel [in the ROUTER advanced WiFi settings]!! for the 5GHz band below 100 (ex. 40-50) - [channel 36 is often OK]."
    1 point
  2. Excellent post, something LG might finally listen to due to its technical basis. If you agree please reply to the OP’s post because change in this topic is way overdue. LG WE WANT CHANGE!
    1 point
  3. I hope LG check this forum. Powerful Browser App like Google Chrome that is able to play videos of Amazon Prime, the default browser is like Kids play, taking ages to load. Able to control streaming quality in apps like Prime Video, Hotstar, NetFlix, Sunnxt etc., i do not understand how hard for any developer to put this feature in app, I think WebOS SDK expose this to developer to provide this feature. File Explorer that allow us to store data in TV Wifi file Transfer App like ShareIT(Android) More Apps(MX Player, Jio Tv, Jio Cinema, Airtel Xtreme, VLC Player etc.....)... i feel the most apps available in the content store are crap and useless Actually i did not do much research before purchasing UK6360PTE TV, I never expected this much difference from Android TV, i do not know how LG even thinking to compete with this WebOS , because people are getting intelligent and do research before purchase of a TV. they definitely find Android TVs more feature rich.
    1 point
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