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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi! I am having an LG UH850V TV that supports HDR 10 and Dolby Vision. However, while playing Dolby Vision movies, the screen appears green but the audio is clear. How do I fix this.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. For anyone that has browsed the LG website, you may have noticed random links to LG's feedback form which is powered by CVENT. The direct link is below: http://www.cvent.com/d/hfqr24
    1 point
  4. Ik heb een lg smart tv en zet altijd een radio channel aan als ik geen tv kijk. Dan krijg je na een paar momenten dat vuurwerk screensaver te zien. Ik zou best bv een foto of zo'n mooie screensaver met een aquarium willen zien ipv dat vervelende vuurwerk. I s dat mogelijk? En als dat kan hoe?
    1 point
  5. LG TV feature requests 1-disable floating pointer 2- name hard drives 3-be able to delete empty folders, not just video files 4-make pixel refresh automatically on cumulative hours 5-pixel refresh page confusing needs redescribing. 6-allow more padding time for recordings, up to 1 hr user defined 7-allow custom recordings to be given a name to help remember what they are 8-allow saving of TV settings to a file on a usb pen or HDD.....several named files would be good, then family could chose their favourite settings and load the file from a usb pen / hard drive. Plus could have settings that are in test, in case doesn’t work out 9+a text file to describe firmware update content is 10- would like a feature request section on LG website for ideas and allow voting, you would then have an easy access to ideas & their popularity 11-Allow setting of recordings manual or through E.P.G. To have ALL options available I.e. Pad time recurring recoding etc. Without having to exit and go back to Edit mode to change the other settings.
    1 point
  6. When are we finally getting the option to turn off the ridiculous "fireworks" screensaver? I didn't spend thousands on a new TV to watch this screen every 2 minutes, and especially not when I am playing Spotify songs and can't see what songs are up next or even follow lyrics! It's one thing to build features to prevent build-in, but another if they make using the TV properly a problem. Give us the ability to choose for ourselves if we want this protection or not, and don't force our hands please.
    1 point
  7. I'm aware that it's a TC that displays whatever signal I feed it. That's how I'm using it. No free to air. No real app use. The only "issue" I'm having currently is that Dolby Atmos passthrough doesn't work with the Disney Channel app for an LG sound bar. By "seamless" what I mean is that the TV gets out of the way of the signal I'm feeding it. I'd like to use it like a dumb monitor for the Apple TV/DVD Player/Whatever unless I want some smartness. So get rid of the "no input" message that comes up while the Apple TV is connecting to the TV, let me hide the Web OS logo, just recognise that I'm using it for input only and don't want any other intrusions, until I ask for them. In one word: Elegance. Does that make sense?
    1 point
  8. Hi Sbzz, That is fine, and based on this, LG shall expect less sales as people will move to Android. Another Nokia story! Fair enough. I will do my best to advise anyone NOT to buy a TV with Webos, to avoid spelling his money down the drain.
    1 point
  9. The UFC have moved to ESPN as their provider. Much of their content is exclusively available on the ESPN/ESPN+ app. It is not available on cable TV or other "live" streaming services. Please provide an ESPN/ESPN+ app. The UFC is very popular. Thanks, Rob
    1 point
  10. Hey Guys, So I noticed the same problem and found an ideal workaround. I used the browser feature built in the webos tv and navigated to espn and logged in. I was then able to watch my espn + content. Yes the website takes some time to load but the video content once your playing it and go to full screen showed 0% lag. Keep in mind I'm using an ethernet connection on the tv and have a 100 mbps connection. The quality was very good as well, 4k. I added a picture.
    1 point
  11. hi, i have a uk6300 webos tv. i baught it becase it said google assistant is available.but what i tried to add voice commands i found that aoogle assistnt, alexa and home dashboard is mising and cant find in the LG store..and it has limited amount of service countries to select. i am in sri lanka and google assistant works in my phone.plas help me to install google assistant and home dashboard on my TV.
    0 points
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