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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi @Dan Baldauf Unfortunately if the powers at the Spectrum TV do not decide to release an app for the webOS platform there is nothing that LG can do about it. My suggestion is to pester the Spectrum TV via social media to see if you can elicit a response.
    1 point
  2. Like others, I had to buy a Roku to watch Spectrum TV on my brand new 65 inch Nano. I use the Roku remote most of the time now. Would love to just use the Magic remote and get the full benefit of my TV investment with the service I watch the most. Adding the NFL Sunday Ticket app would be nice as well!!!
    1 point
  3. @Michelle van Asperen Please post your LG TV type, and WebOS and firmware level. It might be that the YouTube app update is not compatible with all LG models and WebOS versions, and LG might need to tweak it for your TV. Have you reported this to your LG support site in your country (this is only a peer-to-peer enthusiasts forum, and is NOT owned or run by LG)?
    1 point
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