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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2020 in all areas

  1. Update: At least the scrolling issue was fixed in my app. There was an update in November.
    1 point
  2. Hello td47, Actually every once in a while I use the iOS YT-App to connect to my LG-TV to choose a vid and push it to the TV. This works very well. I can also jump to any point in time using the iOS App. But whenever the video runs this is quite cumbersome - compared to just using the great LG control and its cursor. And it is a workaround for a problem that wasnt there before. Dont get me wrong: I honor your suggestion 🙂 But this setup was very easy and straightforward before the app on the TV got changed 😕 I dont want to mess around with a notebook, cable, you name it. Now here my story about contacting the YT team: I tried via Twitter and got in contact with the YT support by chat. The great support lady was nice and tried a lot but in the end no solution - yet. Since this issue is not only happening to me she somehow confirmed it might be an program error. She told me to give feedback IN the app on the TV. This ist what I will try next. I will keep you updated here 🙂 Andreas
    1 point
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