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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi, just bought a new LG OLED and pretty fast noticed that I`ve now chance to change the wallpapers ?!? Really pretty strange - even the smallest smartphone offers such a feature. The TV has enough USB interfaces - why is it not able to customize this by an own set of pictures ? Can`t be that big rocket science to implement this , especially for such an expensive device this should be a standard feature !!! Or did I miss something in the settings of the TV ?
    1 point
  2. Quick update here on my end... after installing my most recent TV update a few days ago, it appears that the apps are launching normally again. It's no longer dependent on what TV input is opened, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, and so forth. I'm still not sure what caused this originally or if it's something that might pop up again in the future. But perhaps the last TV update or two had something that didn't mesh well with my router or the specific TV model? In any event, it appears to be fixed now, so hopefully it stays that way in the long run! If it reverts back to the old situation, I'll keep you posted. But if nothing else is working, just keep in mind that future TV updates could end up solving the problem.
    1 point
  3. Yes - I tried USB as software update was not happening via networks. The disk was not recognized and after multiple attempts, I gave up. I called LG customer care and they said this is a mother board issue and I've replaced mother board. Now the TV is working fine. Thanks!
    1 point
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